Thursday, November 1, 2018

Universal Energy of November 2018

The greatest minds in history knew to follow the stars.  They knew the importance of attuning oneself to the energy of the universe through Astrology and Numerology.  Then life got easier.  Thank-you for your interest!  So here's what we are working with this month:

2018 Universal Year, reduces to an 11 in Numerology, (2+0+1+8 =11) so it is a MASTER INTUITIVE year.  This energy current is underlying humanity for the whole year.  So we are all receiving insights, inspirations and ideas on how to make our lives better, just pay attention.  Our intuitive faculties are very keen, and there is opportunity to develop these gifts.

The Universal Month of November 2018, in Numerology is 11 + 2+1+0+8= 22, MASTER BUILDER time.  Spend the next 30 days laying a foundation for a future of better business practices, better social interactions, more joy in your life, better balance in your physical, mental/emotional and spiritual health.  This month will give you an opportunity to make improvements somewhere in your life.  So whatever hasn't been peaceful, or easy in your life, it's time to change it up somehow in order to bring in abundance for you.  Do not keep trying to make work, that which is going against the universal energy.  It's time to make some practical changes to shift ideas into form.  Time to take one step closer to making your dreams come true.  If you've always wanted to play the piano, it's time to put your hands on the keyboard and often.  Take that step, and these small accomplishments will lead to manifesting great things in the future.  It's time to shift out of survival mode into thriving mode.  Use the affirmation, "I can do this", and then do it.  Work diligently towards your goal, NOT HARD.  The old societal way of working hard, will only continue to send energy out to the universe, that one must work hard, with little return.  Just keep your eye on the dream, and accomplish one step at a time towards that.  Work diligently with joy, and you will see success.

Then if you want to go deeper, figure out your Personal Month and Year in Numerology. That will give you an even better idea of what you are personally working with along with the underlying Universal energy currents.  If you need help with this, please CONTACT ME.

To help us reach our goals, the planets and stars guide our way.  Jupiter only changes signs once per year.  On November 8th, Jupiter shifts into Sagitarius, the energy of great teacher and philosopher.  The Sun also shifts into Sagitarius November 22.  Connect with your dream, set goals to accomplish the next steps towards this dream, and then do it.  With both Jupiter and Sun in Sagitarius, there can be great energy for new life, with expansion available to us.  A good affirmation with this alignment is "I welcome new life."

The Nodes of the Moon change every 18 months.  This month the North Node of the Moon shifts into Cancer, the South Node of the Moon into Capricorn with the New Moon, November 7th.  A good affirmation with this shift is "I fully release any and all need to control in my life".

Uranus, the planet of innovation, new ideas, inventions, shifts into Aries.  A good affirmation with this shift is "I welcome the new".

Venus will complete her 40 day retrograde, November 15.  This retrograde allowed us to review our emotions. The next day, November 16, Mercury will go retrograde, which will allow us time to review our thoughts and how we process them.  Pay attention to any lower thought forms, and use the MASTER BUILDER energy of the month to change into better ways of looking at things.

Neptune goes direct November 25.  Neptune helps us with our dreams and the pursuit of paradise, the ultimate state of being.  The next day, November 26, the Sun is conjunct Mercury and Jupiter.  Very expansive energy will be put into every thought, word and deed on this powerful day. Good affirmations include "I believe in myself"; "I love myself"; "I love my life"; "I am joy"; "Peace"; etc.

Of course, November 11 is 11-11-11, a powerful gateway opening for inspiration, intuition, a connection to our MASTER SELVES.  Join me online for your personal healing session or in person for a SONIC BLISS at 10:30a.m. which runs through the 11a.m. timeframe.  To book your time that day, CONTACT ME.

I hope this will help you in some way, navigate through the Master Builder month of November.  Please feel free to share this with anyone you feel might also be interested.  I am always available for a healing session, in person, or online via skype or facebook video.  CONTACT ME

I look forward to your comments below.  Have a wonderful Master Builder month of November!

Carla Rose Kelly

Monday, October 15, 2018

How to Find Peace in Your Soul

Peace is a state of "being" that we want to feel in our mind, heart and soul.  It comes from inner work.  If we look outside ourselves for the answer to peace, we are looking in the wrong place.  So let's look inside ourselves.  In this article, the focus will be on how to find peace in your soul.  I will write about finding peace in your mind and heart at a later date.

First let's connect with our souls.  We need to know who we are, why we are here, and our special purpose in order to find peace.  There are feelings of unsettlement, insecurity, or feeling lost, unimportant when we don't know who we are.  Breathe deep within yourself; feel your essence; love your essence.  Now breathe even deeper, and really connect with the essence inside yourself.  Is your soul happy?  Does it feel fulfilled?  Do you love your life?  Do you love who you are? These questions are important.  Honesty with yourself is a good way to start.  It is probable that most of us will answer "no" to at least one of those questions.  Finding the "yes" to all of them, is the way to peace.  So let's start with who you are.  

Think of yourself as a soul first, having a physical experience.  Your soul is made in the same likeness as everyone else; we are all the same.  We are all a "spark of life"  or "God in the making" working through the steps of ascension together, through each lifetime.  When we reach that state of enlightenment or "God" state, our soul no longer needs to return in physical form, but becomes a light in the universe, or star to guide others through their lives.  While our soul is in human form, we are given "opportunities" to work through to help us "ascend".  It is HOW we handle these opportunities that is important.  No matter how difficult, if we proceed with love, we will likely gain wisdom from the experience at the end of it all.  Think of these opportunities as soul tests;  how will your soul handle it this time?  You will be given the same "kind" of opportunity over and over until you learn to handle it with love, then you will graduate through to another soul test. You have ascended a bit.   No matter how difficult the soul test, know that your soul incarnated with exactly what it needed in order to pass.  You can do it; understand that you are never given more than you can handle.  It's all about HOW you handle it.  Do it with love, and you'll find peace.  This is who you really are, a soul, or "spark of light" trying to grow your light.  We are all that.  We are here to help each other grow our lights.  This is why you are here.

Your special purpose, is the vehicle through which you will learn to grow your light, and to help others grow their light.  Defining yourself as a hairdresser, a truck driver, teacher, etc, is just the title of your vocation. What is important is HOW you conduct your work.  Do you do it with love?  Do you love what you do, and how you do it?  Do others feel empowered from your presence at work, or dissempowered?  Check in honestly.  Do you come home feeling blessed and do others feel blessed by your interactions?  If not, that is what you could work on.  Understand that all vocations are  equally important; each a piece of the big puzzle that keeps life going; let go of social status.  When we focus on the blessings through our work, and love in all our interactions, we are more likely to find self-fulfilment.  This is where true peace comes from.

This is how our soul can begin to find peace.  Of course, this is only the beginning of the work we need to do to find peace.  Sign up to receive more information on your personal journey to peace.  If you would like any help finding peace in your soul, do not hesitate to book your private healing session

I look forward to connecting with you. Please leave your comments below.  Thank-you.

Carla Rose Kelly

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Music as Medicine: Spring by Vivaldi

Hidden Energies in the Song
 Spring by Antonio Vivaldi

This beautiful song written by Vivaldi in honour of the spring season can be used as medicine for our mind, body and soul.  It's properties can help you with the following:

·      Cleanse environment and mind of negative moods
·      Brings clarity & balance into the mind
·      Lifts depression
·      Removes the energy of feeling “stuck”; helps move you forward; knowing that you can
·      Lightens, brightens and uplifts
·     Bring joy
·      Determination and focus:  clarity in what needs to be done, and “I can do this”
·      Motivates and inspires

Vivaldi is from the Baroque period where melodies were clearly focussed, bright, and uncomplicated, melodic and warm.  Therefore, the music entrains our brain to have more clarity and focus.  The simple melodies let us know that life does not have to be complicated; it’s easy, and straightforward if you allow it to be. 

After the initial presentation of the main melodic theme, it moves into bird like calls, which present as going back and forth.  During this part, the brain is being entrained to be balanced, as the notes go back and forth lighting up right and left brain, and the synopsis connecting the 2 parts through the corpus collosum.  If you were feeling too emotional about something, with repetitive listening, this song can help bring balance between your logical and emotional brain.  The hidden energies in this song put things into perspective, allowing you to make your “to do” list for solving life’s many situations, moving you forward. Later in the song, there is a sweeping like motion in the melody.  This part interestingly can help sweep away all that no longer serves, again, bringing more clarity.

The time signature is a standard 4 beats.  The strong first beat drives you forward, inspiring you to get off the couch, itemize what needs to be done in bullet point form, and in what order.  The music inspires us not only with the solution and how to go about doing it, but the inspiration and motivation needed to get started.  Listen to it repetitively until you have everything in order in your mind.  Then jump up and do it while the energy lasts.

The spring season is about new beginnings, new ways of doing things, new life.  This song can be listened to any time of the year to uplift the mood.  This would especially be useful in nursing homes, but in all of our homes, to keep the mood light and bright, helping to move us forward.  In listening to this song in the springtime, you are aligning with nature’s energies of new beginnings, helping us to let go of the past, and any old worn out ways of doing things.  While listening to the song, you could focus your mind on the following affirmations: 

“I fully release all people, places and things that no longer serve my highest good” 
"I let go".

With repetition of this affirmation, pay attention to what may come to mind.  Allow the music to show you what it is you need to end, what you need to recycle or complete.  The key to using music as medicine, is to become ONE WITH THE MUSIC.  This means that you allow the vibrations to totally consume you.  Lie down or lie back in your chair, close your eyes, and become one with the song.  Repetition is key so listen to it over and over, until you notice the results you are looking for.  Sink deeper into the music each time you listen to it.  You may be surprised as the music brings the clarity.  Trust what you intuit as your highest guidance.  Music can connect you with universal wisdom.

I hope you enjoy Vivaldi’s Spring and add it to your music library!

Carla Rose Kelly

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hidden Energies in Drops of Jupiter

All music has energy in it, some of it obvious, and some hidden. Some of the more obvious affects music has on us is our emotional connection. The song may bring us to tears. It may invoke a memory of past times. It may bring new insights. There are also numerous physical responses the body has automatically, and I will get into that in another blog. Today I want to share my thoughts about a beautiful song, Drops of Jupiter by Train. Perhaps once you listen to it, and feel its essence, you can write to me about how it made you feel.

DROPS of JUPITER: I loved this song when it was released in 2001, and love it even more today, as I listen to it with "new" ears and a new appreciation for its message.

In 2001, it quickly reached the top 5 hits, and then won a Grammy for the best rock song. Pat Monahan, lead singer of Train, wrote this song after his mother passed from cancer. One night after returning to Pennsylvania, he awoke from a dream, and the lyrics came in. The next morning he took it into a recording manager who loved it and thought it would win a Grammy. This was the group's first break-through song. Pat Monahan considered his mom the most important person in his life, so when you listen to him sing this song with this understanding, the lyrics have a touching emotional connection, one that we can all relate to, on some level. He says, “the best thing we can do by loss of love is find ourselves through it!” The song is about Pat and his mother trying to find themselves through this journey of life, and perhaps the afterlife.

Here are the lyrics

Now that she’s back in the atmosphere,
With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey hey.
She acts like summer and walks like rain,
Reminds me that there’s time to change, hey, hey
Since the return of her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey

Tell me, did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there

Now that she’s back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo
Reminds me that there’s room to grow, hey, hey

Now that she’s back in the atmosphere
I’m afraid that she might think of me as plain ol’ June
Told a story “bout a man who was too afraid to fly so he never did land

Tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way
And tell me, did Venus blow your mind
Was it everything you wanted to find
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there

Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
Your best friend always sticking up for you, even when I know you’re wrong
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze-dried romance, five-hour phone conversation
The best soy latte that you ever had…and me

Tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back toward the Milky Way

It’s beautiful how the words help us feel the presence of his mother’s spirit through nature, in the summer, in the rain, etc. Perhaps her passing has allowed her now the chance to dance along the light of day, as she’s back in the Milky Way.

To some, Jupiter is symbolic of abundance of all good things, you know like joy, trust, faith, love, peace, and hope. These are the Divine virtues, that our souls long for. I think we have all realized that, although a nice home, great cars and other material things can make life comfortable, they do not make us happy. So does having "drops of Jupiter in her hair" indicate she has found some of these Divine virtues? If so, how wonderful for her! After all, this is life's real success!

This song exemplifies how we are the microcosm for the macrocosm. In other words, how we are connected to the universal spirit, through our own Soul's spirit. Most of us wonder if there is something much greater than ourselves "out there" that masters the universe on the macrocosmic level. Is it also part of ourselves on a microcosmic level? Can we "listen like Spring, and talk like June"? Can we "stay on the moon" or "walk along the light of day"? Did the spirit of Pat Monahan's mom gift us with these words (through Pat) to inspire us to search deeper for universal truths in life, like the rhythms of nature and laws of the universe, perhaps to our connection with something much greater than ourselves? Is this what is important?

Watching Pat sing this song, with his deep emotional connection with his mom is so heart warming. It reminds us all how important our mothers are. Even after their physical time with us, they are still guiding us, like the influence of the great universal mother is immortal. I love it!!!

I feel like this song could really help others come to a place of peace with the passing of their own mothers. Pat Monahan inspires us to rejoice in the maternal universal connection, and communicate through song to our dear mothers.

For me, it feels like there is a special hidden message for us all above and beyond the presence of the spirit in the etheric field that we might feel. For me, it comes in when he sings about “Did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?” and “Now that you are back from that soul vacation”. For me, it was a reminder to cherish the moments of deep-fried chicken with our loved ones, and lattes and being there for each other, as we continue on this journey of self-discovery. To find oneself is to look deep within ourselves, and through our relationships. It reminded me to live in a very present way, moment to moment, so I wouldn’t miss any thing that was important on my journey. I want to live on earth dancing with the light of day, with drops of Jupiter in my hair every moment. Thank-you for this incredible song!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How Hurtful Words Damage the Brain


How Hurtful Words Damage the Brain



This research was conducted by R. Douglas Fields, Chief of the Nervous System Development and Plasticity Section at the National Institutes of Health, NICHD, in Bethesda, Maryland.  He is author of the popular book about glia The Other Brain published by Simon and Schuster. Dr. Fields is a developmental neurobiologist with a long-standing interest in brain development and plasticity, neuron-glia interactions, and the cellular mechanism of memory.

From his book, The New Brain, Oct. 30, 2010: he says,“Hurtful words inflict lasting physical effects on brain structure.”

In a study of 18-25 year olds without history of other prior abuses: "Verbal abuse from peers during middle school years had the greatest impact, because this is a sensitive period when these brain connections are developing and becoming insulated with myelin.”

“Verbal abuse from a child’s parents can cause far more than emotional harm.”

“In the developing brain of children, verbal abuse causes brain abnormalities in the corpus callosum.”  The corpus callosum is responsible for connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain.


 This research is by Mark Waldman and Andrew Newberg, M.D. 2012 “A single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.”

Dr. Newberg states: “If I were to put you into an fMRI scanner…take a video of the neural changes happening in your brain-and flash the word ‘NO’ for less than one second, you’d see a sudden release of dozens of stress-producing hormones and neurotransmitters.  These chemicals immediately interrupt the normal functioning of your brain, impairing logic, reason, language processing, and communication. “

“In fact, just seeing a list of negative words for a few seconds will make a highly anxious or depressed person feel worse, and the more you ruminate on them, the more you can actually damage key structures that regulate your memory, feelings, and emotions. [1]”

[1]  Some assessments of the amygdala role in suprahypothalamic neuroendocrine regulation;  a minireview.  Talarovicova A, Krskova L, Kiss A. endocr Regul. 2007 Nov;41 (4): 155-62

 “If you vocalize your negativity, or even slightly frown when you say “no”, more stress chemicals will be released, not only in your brain, but in the listener’s brain as well. [2]  The listener will experience increased anxiety and irritability, thus undermining cooperation/teamwork and trust.”

[2]  Hariri AR, Tessitore A, Mattay VS, Fera F, Weinberger DR.. The amygdala response to emotional stimuli:  a comparison of faces and scenes.  Neuroimage. 2002 Sep;17(1):317-23

 “Negative thinking/pessimism is also self perpetuating, and the more you engage in negative dialogue-at home or at work- the more difficult it becomes to stop.”[3] But negative words, spoken with anger, do even more damage. They send alarm messages through the brain, interfering with the decision-making centers in the frontal lobe, and this increases a person’s propensity to act irrationally. 


Pythagoras, Plato and Aristotle, Greek philosophers, understood the power within music for healing and ascension.  They also understood how music was our creative power and within it lay all the keys to the mysteries of the universe. Their philosophies have not been superseded to this day.  I present 3 key points that are very important to understand.

Pythagoras, in his “Doctrine of Ethos” (Anderson and Mathiesen 2001) The word ethos in this context means "moral character”.
Greek ethos theory concerns the ways in which music can convey, foster, and even generate ethical states.

What does this mean?

1.  Music shapes our morals and values…our personalities.
In Plato’s “Music of the Spheres”, he states: “There is a power in music akin to the power of words for influencing human thought and action, and that therefore, an artist, whether in music or words, is under obligation to exercise this power with due respect for its effect on others”.

2.  Words and music shape how we think and behave.  Both music and spoken word affect others; we need to understand our effect on others.
Aristotle in his “Doctrine of Imitation” states “Music directly imitates (represents) the passions or states of the soul: gentleness, anger, courage, temperance and their opposites and other qualities. Hence, when one listens to music that imitates certain passions, he becomes imbued with the same passion and if over a long time, he habitually listens to the kind of music that rouses ignoble passions, his whole character will be shaped to an ignoble form.”

3.  Listening to music with poor morals/values over time, will shape your personality, your whole character to poor morals/values.  Listening to music with high morals/values over time will shape your personality to high morals and values.


All religions around the world have this is common:  they all talk about the power of the WORD as our creative force.  For example, from the Gospel of St. John in the Bible, it reads:

“In the beginning was the WORD,
and the WORD was God,
and with the WORD was God,
and the WORD is God.”

In the Hindu Vedas, it states:  “In the beginning was Brahman with who was the Word.  And the Word is Brahman.”

In ancient Tantra, the Qabala, and other mystical schools of thought place sincere importance on the power of sound. 

According to Tantra, all objects including non-material objects have their own innate sound, some of which are audible and some of which are beyond human sensory capacity.  In other words, all things in the universe are manifestations of energy, each with their own vibratory frequency.  The manifestation of matter is considered to be the third step in the process of creation, preceded by sound.

Many African legends from different tribes tell about the origin of the world through song.

In the Mayan text, Popol Vuh, the first humans were given life solely through the power of the word.

In Polynesia and the Far East, the gods and goddesses struck gongs or blew conch shells in order to create the world.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the god Thoth created the world by his voice alone.

The Hopi Indians tell the story of Spider Woman, who sang the Song of Creation over the inanimate forms on earth, bringing them all to life.

In Australian Aboriginal tradition, the sound of the didgeridoo was responsible for creating the world.

Our top scientists are now in agreement with this ancient knowledge.  Quantum physicist, Michio Kaku declares “Everything is music.”



So, regardless of religious affiliation or not, we are made in the same likeness as “GOD”, and the “WORD” or “SOUND” is our creative power.  This research is very important to our understanding of the power within ourselves to create our reality, and the power we have in affecting others reality. Positive words have been shown to have a favorable affect on our brains, and negative words have an adverse affect.  Our brains are the managers, or computers for our lives, helping us to understand life itself, and how to solve problems and move forward.  Our brain manages our whole body and all of its functions, affecting our health.  It is very important that we say positive things to ourselves, and about ourselves, as our brain processes the positive or negative thoughts and words, and neuroplasticity is happening all the time.  Equally important, are positive words about others so we empower them, rather than have a negative affect on their well-being.

Other than instrumental music, songs contain words.  The music has meaning, a story, and the words can either empower us, or disempower us, depending on whether they are positive or negative.  Like Aristotle said:  if we listen to immoral songs for a long period, they shape us to immoral values.  Pythagoras said: “Music shapes our personalities. “ 

What songs fill your brain?

To find out more about empowering music, music for healing and ascension, go to
To email the author:  Carla Rose Kelly, send to: