The greatest minds in history knew to follow the stars. They knew the importance of attuning oneself to the energy of the universe through Astrology and Numerology. Then life got easier. Thank-you for your interest! So here's what we are working with this month:
2018 Universal Year, reduces to an 11 in Numerology, (2+0+1+8 =11) so it is a MASTER INTUITIVE year. This energy current is underlying humanity for the whole year. So we are all receiving insights, inspirations and ideas on how to make our lives better, just pay attention. Our intuitive faculties are very keen, and there is opportunity to develop these gifts.
The Universal Month of November 2018, in Numerology is 11 + 2+1+0+8= 22, MASTER BUILDER time. Spend the next 30 days laying a foundation for a future of better business practices, better social interactions, more joy in your life, better balance in your physical, mental/emotional and spiritual health. This month will give you an opportunity to make improvements somewhere in your life. So whatever hasn't been peaceful, or easy in your life, it's time to change it up somehow in order to bring in abundance for you. Do not keep trying to make work, that which is going against the universal energy. It's time to make some practical changes to shift ideas into form. Time to take one step closer to making your dreams come true. If you've always wanted to play the piano, it's time to put your hands on the keyboard and often. Take that step, and these small accomplishments will lead to manifesting great things in the future. It's time to shift out of survival mode into thriving mode. Use the affirmation, "I can do this", and then do it. Work diligently towards your goal, NOT HARD. The old societal way of working hard, will only continue to send energy out to the universe, that one must work hard, with little return. Just keep your eye on the dream, and accomplish one step at a time towards that. Work diligently with joy, and you will see success.
Then if you want to go deeper, figure out your Personal Month and Year in Numerology. That will give you an even better idea of what you are personally working with along with the underlying Universal energy currents. If you need help with this, please CONTACT ME.
To help us reach our goals, the planets and stars guide our way. Jupiter only changes signs once per year. On November 8th, Jupiter shifts into Sagitarius, the energy of great teacher and philosopher. The Sun also shifts into Sagitarius November 22. Connect with your dream, set goals to accomplish the next steps towards this dream, and then do it. With both Jupiter and Sun in Sagitarius, there can be great energy for new life, with expansion available to us. A good affirmation with this alignment is "I welcome new life."
The Nodes of the Moon change every 18 months. This month the North Node of the Moon shifts into Cancer, the South Node of the Moon into Capricorn with the New Moon, November 7th. A good affirmation with this shift is "I fully release any and all need to control in my life".
Uranus, the planet of innovation, new ideas, inventions, shifts into Aries. A good affirmation with this shift is "I welcome the new".
Venus will complete her 40 day retrograde, November 15. This retrograde allowed us to review our emotions. The next day, November 16, Mercury will go retrograde, which will allow us time to review our thoughts and how we process them. Pay attention to any lower thought forms, and use the MASTER BUILDER energy of the month to change into better ways of looking at things.
Neptune goes direct November 25. Neptune helps us with our dreams and the pursuit of paradise, the ultimate state of being. The next day, November 26, the Sun is conjunct Mercury and Jupiter. Very expansive energy will be put into every thought, word and deed on this powerful day. Good affirmations include "I believe in myself"; "I love myself"; "I love my life"; "I am joy"; "Peace"; etc.
Of course, November 11 is 11-11-11, a powerful gateway opening for inspiration, intuition, a connection to our MASTER SELVES. Join me online for your personal healing session or in person for a SONIC BLISS at 10:30a.m. which runs through the 11a.m. timeframe. To book your time that day, CONTACT ME.
I hope this will help you in some way, navigate through the Master Builder month of November. Please feel free to share this with anyone you feel might also be interested. I am always available for a healing session, in person, or online via skype or facebook video. CONTACT ME
I look forward to your comments below. Have a wonderful Master Builder month of November!
Carla Rose Kelly